This is why Jesus’ coming was so radical, because people could not understand, even with Jesus teaching, preaching and performing miracles in front of them — the fickle, human nature of sin perverts truth. We all, every single human is sinful by nature.
Paul, in the book of Romans, states that sin is it’s own entity and that sin is very cunning. Sin takes occasion of good, and perverts it. An example that Paul uses is that he did not know what lust was, except the law told him not to do it, even before he had ever lusted. This of course peaks the human sin nature, “why can’t I do that?” This is the Sin Factor coded in the human DNA: twisting, perverting one’s understanding to justify why it’s ok to do what it wants to. Sin twists, and deceives. This is tied to the 1st seal prophesies, “Because iniquity (sin) will abound, the love of many will wax cold”.
We can see this easily in the movie and entertainment industry. The perspective of movies and cinematic based entertainment found on TV, Cable and streaming video platforms have become increasingly dark, demonic, sexually charged and shameless. This has happened slowly over the past 20 - 30 years, the world becoming desensitized to that which was good, moral and decent; redefining traditional as bad, hateful and outdated. Once a person’s heart agrees with that twisted view, it’s harder to care for the people you share the world with, love is waxing cold because sin is now abounding in the world more than at any time in human history.
With the spirit of Sin being broadcast through television programming, music, dress and fashion, movies, art and almost all outlets of creative expression; the Spirit of it’s creator is seen in its fruit. If there is a demonic undertone, understand the demonic has been tapped into. This is Satan’s time to shine in the earth, even in creating his own show under his heavenly moniker Lucifer, and not coincidentally in 2016 - a Shemitah start year, painting himself as the misunderstood devil for nearly 6 seasons. He has laid the ground work, much like Rome, to take God’s crowned creation to a certain brink of no return.
Sin is a deceiving of human flesh, by the human flesh’s emotions “sin” makes us all experience. If it feels good, no matter how bad, it is still good to that person. Sin lurks quite deep in each of us, never wanting to be identified as such. Paul goes on to give sin attributes as if it were a person identifying it as a body of sin. Romans 7:7-25 Paul states that “sin took occasion of the good, using the law to deceive him”, not just “him” but the flesh that Paul walked life out within. We are all in sinful, emotionally charged flesh and we all fight fleshly desires. This fleshly desire overtook and slew him, “killing him”, it made him guilty of death.
This same thing happens to every person on this earth daily, and we don’t even know it because it feels so good while it’s happening. Look the major things labeled “sin” in years gone by, these things were and still are, pleasurable. My good friend Phyllis would always say, “Oh yeah, sin is pleasurable - sin IS PLEASURABLE!”, and I find by the seemingly soul soothing comforts of a good sin or two, many are entrapped in sexual, self medicating and self-pleasing sins, running the gamut from purse shopping to murder of fellow humans. We have a saying in the church, “Sin takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, and costs you more than you want to pay.” It is without doubt that if you have lived any length of time in earth, you have experienced this in one form or another.