The Challenge? Pushing one’s faith past hours and years; past decades and centuries never experienced, years that our parents never existed in, nor even our great- great - great grandparents have ever seen. Your faith must go back before the United States (or your home Country) ever brought their fore fathers here, even before the king of England’s persecution of faith, that drove them there. A true and tried faith must go back before the formation of England and the building of France, before USSR and before Asia. The faith Challenge calls one’s faith back to the days of the Roman empire and their rule when they built the very infrastructures of roads and transport systems that we know today. That faith must reach back and understand the most impactful event of human history that has affected every soul that has ever walked the earth since.
When you research Rome at the time of Jesus’ life, His life’s record and trial are in Rome’s written historic government records, unbiased witnesses of the encounters Jesus had with Pilate. Rome conquered and ruled many areas at that time including all of Israel, and is why Jesus was tried in the Roman courts. It was there that the Roman Gentile court pronounced the judgment of death on Jesus, at the behest of the Jewish Religious leadership who suffered insecurity and inadequacy at His appearance and miraculous works on Earth, so much so, that they sought to kill him, doing so successfully - but unknowingly working the most important part of God’s master plan.
A true faith challenge must grasp those 350 prophesies came true in this one man, the prophesied messiah in only 33 years. And from the event of this man’s birth, life, death and resurrection in earth, this world has been changed forever. Not coincidentally, no other person has left the footprint and proof before, during or after Jesus Christ’s coming on this earth; indicative of what the coming of the Lord through a human vessel would be. Radical. People tend to live in their own world, so if they unable to prove a claim to be true based on their own life experience (most not digging deep enough to find actual truth) or if they have already determined their personal life truth — nothing else can be true.
It is the great Charles Haddon Spurgeon, sleep in his grave since 1892 who said, “A truthful statement is not affected by the lapse of time. If a statement was made yesterday, it is true today, and if it were made 1800 years ago - it is still true today. The facts recorded in the gospels are as much facts now as ever, and they ought to have the same influence upon our minds as they had upon the minds of the apostles.” (from message: “A Great Gospel for Great Sinners”)