Who can deliver you from you? That’s the 1 million dollar question. We can physically move from uncomfortable situations, we can learn new things, be with new people — but how can you get away from yourself? Are you and your own efforts good and strong enough to change your bad habits and rebuild your life, let alone find your own way to heaven? See, sin is what makes everyone who goes to hell — go to hell - because we refuse to believe on Him who came to save us from our Sin- Jesus. He who became sin, had to pay the price for sin - and God judged Jesus to Hell in our place, but it was all a set up.
Because there is nothing that can eradicate this sin from our flesh while we live, God made a way, that who-so-ever believe on His only begotten Son, should not perish but have everlasting life. See Jesus was the first superhero, saving the World from sin. In speaking of Good Friday, I often say, “Jesus thought it was a Good Friday to save theWorld” but how?
I mentioned that Jesus HAD to be judged to Hell because He took to himself, in one single moment, every single sin that ever had been, was and would be entering earth through humanity. Willingly and purposely becoming the only true, perfect sacrifice by walking out his entire life with the full measure of the Holy Ghost within Him. No other person on earth could achieve this, being fully man, and fully God. When Jesus died on the Cross, his Soul was condemned to Hell- but once he arrived in Hell, His Soul, full of the HolyGhost - bust Hell wide open like a CIA Operative! Releasing the world’s sins right there in Satan’s headquarters, sending sin to hell, and taking captivity captive, taking in his possession the keys to hell and death and those souls who dared believe him right there in Hell! For THREE DAYS, my Holy Spirit filled Savior WRECKED hell, having a 3 day revival that wreaked havoc on the underworld, defeating death, hell and the grave right in face of the one who killed Him, Satan.
When this work was finished, God resurrects Jesus’Holy Spirit filled soul back into the body He walked in before He became Sin, and Jesus’ Holy Victory outfitted him with a glorified body that walked this earth for 40 days among many witnesses. This is absolutely “Myth like” but the supernatural means by which He became the Savior of the World to all whom would just believe, snatching soul after soul from the Hell He just wrecked.
After His resurrection, until he ascended into heaven before 500 people in a town named Bethany; and even now, Jesus continues to intercede for those who would believe on him, until his return for all those whom have believed on him through all ages, at the final trump of in these last days. GLORY HALLELUJAH!!! And this is all one must do, from our heart sincerely confess and believe the following:
1.The Lord Jesus
2. Believe that God Raised himFrom the Dead
3. You shall be Saved.
Romans 10:9-13
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek (or Gentile): for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
By confessing this with one’s mouth, and believing genuinely in heart that Jesus is indeed Lord, you obtain that deeply sought after eternal Salvation by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. God prepped his own chosen people Israel for nearly 2,000 years, these same 350 or so prophesies identifying who their messiah would be, yet Israel rejected Jesus as their Messiah. However, when the Gospel did begin to spread, the World gladly received the Messiah whom came to Israel first, and saved us in addition to -not instead of - the Jewish people
God did this through Jesus, who actually was God giving himself for us. Oh, what love He has for us! This is the importance of salvation, to be in relationship with the very God of Creation, and His Son by His HolySpirit who has revealed such revelations as these Last Days and that for a loving “heads up”that only few find therein.
In conclusion, I part with a reference from Ray Comfort, in his comparison of so great a Salvation, to wearing a parachute during an airplane trip. He states that, “like Salvation, people will see you with the parachute on and even laugh at you, thinking something is wrong with you, but the parachute isn’t for use while on the airplane, but for use when the plane goes down. ”See life’s plane will “go down” for each of us unless it is our blessed portion to be gathered to Him when He returns, but when that last descent causes each of us to face the realization that our life on this earth is to end, will you have taken on the parachute of Salvation to land you safely at your final destination, or will you go down without the parachute?
Pack your parachute, put it on and be ready to jump. Here is a prayer of salvation that you can refer to, when you are ready to give your own life to Jesus Christ:
Dear God,
I receive this message in my heart and soul, the parts I understand, and the parts I do not. What I do know is that if there is a Hell, I do not want to go there. And if you are real, I am willing to believe in you, even if it disappoints me, I’m willing to be disappointed for you, as I have been disappointed in so many other things of this Life. Save Me Jesus.
I believe you are the son of God, that you were born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and gave your life to save me from my sin, and then to show you are God, you raised from the dead to show me, that I will not see that death, but that after death I will be with you in eternal life. Forgive me of my sins, come into my heart and Save Me this Day, and I will forever Save this Date. This I pray, in your Precious Name – Amen.
Now, if you sincerely prayed this prayer of salvation, YOU ARE SAVED! Congratulations on making one of the biggest decisions any one could make - giving your life to Jesus. As the days go on, he will show you things you've never seen before. He will show you how to pray, read his Word and how to fight the good fight of faith.
If you would like to connect with someone at Ebenezer Church about your decision to give your life to Christ and how to move forward with a like-minded community of believers, complete the form below to be connected with someone who can guide you in your next steps of salvation.
If you do not feel comfortable doing this, take time to ask God how you should proceed, and that He would place people and a church in your life that you can connect with and grow in Christ through.
God Bless you, if you have given your life to Jesus, the angels in heaven rejoice over you. Be encouraged, your life is now about to begin!