Strong’s Concordance of the bible has the best explanation of faith I’ve ever come across. Making me stop and reassess my own faith nearly 14 years ago citing: “Faith has both an active and a passive sense in the Bible. The former meaning relates to one’s loyalty to a person or fidelity to a promise; the later confidence in the word, or assurance of another. Faith is not merely what a person believes, i.e., accurate doctrine or creed, but also and more importantly, that the object of his faith is valid.” Is the object of your faith, Jesus — valid to you?
Basically, do you truly believe that Jesus is Lord? That He himself with the millions after him, having declared He is Messiah, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings alone? In your heart do you even believe he existed? And if you do believe he existed, do you believe that he was born of a virgin, died the death of the guilty, raised from the dead 3 days later to save the world from it’s sin? More importantly, that He did so to save you from your own sin? No doubt questions may arise on how to achieve this type of Faith, if you have not already received this blessed assurance.
Salvation is granted by the pure Grace of God, activated by true, genuine, heart repenting — faith. Faith must move past what you was taught growing up, and past what your parents were taught, until your faith connects back to the actual, living Jesus who walked this very earth 1,990 years ago. Faith must connect to the Old testament prophecies Jesus fulfilled – over 350 alone just in his birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension. Prophecy again, being the way God proves himself, be not surprised that the same proof will be given to you concerning His reality if one only just believe in simple, faith that he is Who he Declares himself to be.